Life at Ellis


A Record of Health and Wellness

澳门新葡新京官方的体育项目旨在支持学生在课堂外的成长,同时补充澳门新葡新京官方的学术课程. A variety of sports are offered each season, and by participating, 女孩们发现隐藏的天赋,发现她们喜欢的体育活动. 他们体会到团队合作的喜悦、失败的优雅和胜利的激动. Athletes also develop physical strength, mental toughness, time-management skills, and stress-reduction techniques that last a lifetime.
Our coaches are champions of integrity and resilience, and they encourage girls to become exemplary student-athletes. 他们让自己的球队为新赛季做好准备,挑战他们通过艰苦的训练,让他们在激烈的竞争中取得成功. Throughout the season, 教练通常会重新评估团队和个人目标,以支持女孩在运动能力方面的成长. 澳门新葡新京官方强大的体育项目最吸引人的地方是, as an all-girls school, girls’ teams receive 100% of the resources allocated to athletics. 

Our athletics facilities include a turf field, two full-size gyms, two recreational gyms, and a weight-lifting area for fitness and strength-training.

Interscholastic sports competition begins in fifth grade, with the school fielding close to 30 teams in field hockey, soccer, cross country, basketball, track and field, tennis, swim, lacrosse, and softball. 每个团队和运动员都得到充分的支持,在赛季结束时感到成功和成就. From this, 澳门新葡新京官方的女孩成长为非常强大的运动员,她们在健康的竞争中茁壮成长,并培养领导技能,这将影响她们利用自己的声音和才能解决复杂问题的能力, work with diverse groups of people, and bring about positive change in their communities. 我们的学生运动员培养的运动能力和个人成长技能会伴随他们进入大学和成年,并为他们服务一生.

Athletics News

List of 4 news stories.

Our Teams

Facilities and Resources

A World-class Athletic Field

2014年,澳门新葡新京官方庆祝了我们最先进的新草皮球场的盛大开幕. Our new 72,600 square foot regulation-sized field is lined for soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse, and looks and feels like natural grass. 澳门新葡新京官方球场的草皮和沙子的混合是特别选择的,以尽量减少年轻运动员受伤的风险. The field is a source of tremendous school pride, not just for our athletes, but for every member of our community. 虽然体育运动不是必需的,但澳门新葡新京官方初中和高中70%的学生参加团队运动. 这远远高于全国女孩40%的平均水平(妇女体育基金会)。.

Training and Equipment

澳门新葡新京官方运动员在UPMC运动医学认证的运动教练的监督下训练. 我们的教练协助训练和伤病管理,并监督每一场比赛. 他们获得了州一级和国家运动教练协会认证委员会的国家认证. 我们的UPMC运动医学团队为所有澳门新葡新京官方运动队提供现场医疗护理和康复计划. 他们还根据季节和年级水平提供校园脑震荡基线测试. 制服和安全设备清单在MyEllis的内部网站上有详细说明. 每个运动赛季都以“与教练会面”开始,教练会提供有关练习和比赛的详细信息,并为激动人心的赛季定下基调.

Meet Our Coaches

List of 10 members.

  • Photo of John Albright

    Mr. John Albright 

    JV Basketball Head Coach
  • Photo of Amanda  Banachoski

    Ms. Amanda  Banachoski 

    US Health/PE; Varsity Soccer Head Coach; MS Varsity Basketball Coach; Varsity Lacrosse Asst Coach
  • Photo of Doug Brooks

    Mr. Doug Brooks 

    Tennis Head Coach
  • Photo of Keith Bryner

    Mr. Keith Bryner 

    Director of College Counseling, Softball Assistant Coach
  • Photo of Danae  Burgwin

    Ms. Danae  Burgwin 

    Track & Field Head Coach
  • Photo of Nyjah Cephas

    Ms. Nyjah Cephas 

    Varsity Field Hockey Assistant Coach
  • Photo of Laura Fonzi

    Ms. Laura Fonzi 

    Middle School Soccer Assistant Coach
  • Photo of Kylie Cregan

    Mrs. Kylie Cregan 

  • Photo of Brianne Kelly

    Ms. Brianne Kelly 

    中学体育教师,中学篮球队 & Lacrosse Coach
  • Photo of Daniel LaGamba

    Mr. Daniel LaGamba  

    Varsity Basketball Head Coach

List of 10 members.

  • Photo of Tiffany McDowell

    Ms. Tiffany McDowell 

    UPMC Certified Athletic Trainer
  • Photo of Alexx Miller

    Ms. Alexx Miller 

    Varsity Field Hockey Head Coach
  • Photo of Zach Moore

    Mr.  Zach Moore 

    Assistant Track & Field Coach
  • Photo of Mark Rauterkus

    Mr. Mark Rauterkus 

    Varsity and Middle School Swimming Assistant Coach
  • Photo of Michelle Rust

    Ms. Michelle Rust 

    Director of Enrollment Management, Cross Country Coach
  • Photo of Sara Stroud

    Ms. Sara Stroud 

    Middle School Field Hockey Coach
  • Photo of Annetra Taylor

    Annetra Taylor 

    Middle School Field Hockey Assistant Coach
  • Photo of Dori Tompa

    Ms. Dori Tompa 

    Crew Head Coach
  • Photo of Darren Wilson

    Mr. Darren Wilson 

    Middle School JV Basketball Coach
  • Photo of Wendy Wu

    Ms. Wendy Wu 

    Senior Accountant, Tennis Assistant Coach

Katie Johnson

Director of Athletics

At Ellis, 我们相信并重视体育运动在学生发展中的重要作用. 我们为我们的学生提供独特的机会,让他们能够从五年级开始参加运动队. My staff and I are committed to modeling and teaching integrity, compassion, and respect on and off the field and court, and within our community. 

我们的目标是让我们的体育项目出类拔萃,让我们的学生运动员以展示体育精神而闻名,同时尽其所能竞争,并在课堂上取得卓越的学术成就. 澳门新葡新京官方的体育系是为我们的学生运动员提供服务,培养他们的自信技能, commitment, time management, and resilience while maximizing their potential. 

我们希望您的学生在澳门官方老葡京接受严格而优秀的教育的同时,能充分利用参加体育运动的机会. 如果有任何澳门官方老葡京的体育项目和如何参与的问题,请 contact me. Go Tigers!