

Exploring The Ellis School

你女儿是否想当宇航员, ambassador, or an accountant, girls need to know—not just think, but really know, 在他们的内心深处,没有什么能阻挡他们. 澳门官方老葡京每天都向女孩们传递这样的信息.
Guided by expert faculty, Ellis girls are uniquely equipped with the confidence and authority to succeed in school and in life. In this girl-centered, immersive environment, 专门为女孩的发展和赋权量身定制, 学生们不断挑战自己潜能的极限, pursuing a rigorous curriculum that offers a breadth and depth of study that meets their individual interests, talents, and goals.

澳门官方老葡京是一个女孩占据中心舞台的地方. 我们认为那正是他们的归宿.

Why Choose The Ellis School?


The Pillars of an Ellis Education

At Ellis, girls are challenged to be intellectually vibrant, ambitious, and creative thinkers. They grow to become confident, brave changemakers committed to making the world a better place for themselves and others.

But what really makes The Ellis School distinctive?

List of 4 items.

  • Vibrant Intellects

    我们鼓励女孩在智力上充满活力和雄心壮志. 和其他真正好奇的人在一起, diverse students, 在有天赋和忠诚的老师的指导下, girls thrive in our forward-thinking, progressive academic environment.
  • Changemakers

    我们让女孩成为勇敢的变革者. 澳门新葡新京官方的女孩们乐于处理复杂的问题,并渴望解决这些问题. They develop into brave, bold young women who are ready to use their powerful minds and voices to change the world.
  • Secure & Confident

    我们培养对自己有安全感的年轻女性. Ellis girls grow remarkable confidence and a strong voice—they hold fast to what they believe, know their own strengths, and speak up for themselves and others.
  • Positive Community Members

    我们相信,我们学校社区的显著多样性促进了学习. At Ellis, every girl is invited to bring all aspects of her identity into our shared space. 澳门新葡新京官方的学生都是有爱心和善解人意的人, authentic connections with others.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 8 frequently asked questions.

  • 澳门官方老葡京提供什么等级?

    Ellis is Pittsburgh’s only independent day school for girls and serves students age three through grade 12. To start pre-kindergarten as a Cub, students must be three-years-old by September 15; to start pre-kindergarten as a Tiger, students must be four-years-old by September 15; to start kindergarten, 学生必须在9月15日前满5岁. The Lower School is comprised of pre-kindergarten through grade 4; the Middle School includes grades 5 through 8; and the Upper School houses grades 9 through 12.
  • 申请助学金的截止日期是什么时候?

    艾利斯家庭的经济援助申请截止日期是1月1日. 目前澳门新葡新京官方家庭的经济援助申请截止日期为12月15日. 了解更多关于经济援助的过程 here.
  • What is the average class size?

    At Ellis, we believe it is critical that each student is deeply known by her teachers and community—her personality, her gifts, and her opportunities for growth. 为了确保学生在自己的舒适区边缘学习, Ellis maintains an average student to faculty ratio of 6:1 and an average class size of 12 students.
  • How can I learn more?

    Inquire to learn more 为什么澳门新葡新京官方是匹兹堡最好的女子学校.
  • Where is The Ellis School located?

    In the heart of Pittsburgh’s East End, 澳门新葡新京官方位于比奇伍德大道和Shady大道之间的第五大道6425号. 所有澳门新葡新京官方的学生都在一个校区学习, 确保各年级的社区意识和连续性. 来自近70个邮政编码和35个学区的学生就读于澳门新葡新京官方大学 transportation options 匹兹堡及其周边地区的许多家庭都可以使用.
  • 澳门官方老葡京的毕业生在哪里上大学?

    College advising is woven into the Ellis curriculum; every student takes a two-year college preparatory seminar during her junior and senior years. 此外,澳门新葡新京官方是唯一提供内部ACT/SAT考试准备的地区学校. Every Ellis student receives unlimited hours of individual guidance to support her college search, and admission officers from more than 100 colleges and universities make recruiting visits to the Ellis campus each year. The outcomes speak for themselves.
  • 入学申请截止日期是什么时候?

    鼓励在1月1日之前提交完整的入学申请. 申请将被接受,直到年级满为止. 如果在1月1日之后,请致电412-661-4880或发送电子邮件 与注册管理团队的成员联系.

    For prospective pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students who submit their applications by the January 1 deadline, 录取决定在二月中旬发出. For prospective students in grades 1-12 who submit their applications by the January 1 deadline, 录取决定在三月初发出.

Meet Ellis Families

Meet Our Team

Michelle Rust

Director of Enrollment Management

我们很高兴你能考虑澳门官方老葡京. Ellis has an unparalleled commitment to girls' education in an environment that maximizes intellectual, physical, emotional, and social growth. At Ellis, girls of all ages learn to take risks, work collaboratively, ask questions, and pursue their dreams. 在我们这个地区,没有其他地方像澳门新葡新京官方这样. Here girls are free to know themselves, discover their gifts, and find their own voice, whether through robotics, or performing arts, or sports.

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Carolyn Frischer

    Ms. Carolyn Frischer 

  • Photo of Olivia Altman

    Ms. Olivia Altman 
